6 Day Mindfulness Meditation Series. Hosted by Me!

Date: April 18, 2024

Are you interested in meditating? Don’t know where to start? Don’t want to do it alone?

Wellll do I have some videos for you! You can use these videos to start your own 6 day challenge or just come and go to them whenever you need a little meditation top up!

Click HERE to go to the mindfulness meditation videos hosted on my YouTube channel.

Each video is a different type of mindfulness meditation. That means you can get exposed to different styles and get a chance to see which one(s) are more effective for you. You will also find the videos are between 8-15 minutes long so they are a nice introduction to the concept without taking too much time out of your day.

Alternatively, below is the first video of the series that you can click on to check out Day 1: The Basics. From there you can click the “YouTube” button (bottom right once the video is playing) to access the other videos for Day 2- Day 6.

Written by Melissa Campos


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