The Koselig Counselling Playlist

Date: April 26, 2024

Hello there!

Although I don’t play any instruments and can’t really carry a tune (but I will do my very best at karaoke), I am a big fan of music. It’s why I have my #ThemesInTunes series on Instagram because it gives me a creative outlet to talk about music and combine it with my passion of mental health.

But I digress.

In the early stages of getting my private practice off the ground I put together a playlist of songs (see link below) that I felt really exuded the vibe of the counselling space I wanted to encourage or represent. I created it to share with my logo designer so she could have another layer of information to understand me and my brand. After the logo came together, this playlist has become a valuable touchstone for me. It allows me to really connect with the ‘feel’ of my business and I’ll often listen to it during my drive to work to get into the right emotional headspace to see clients.

Here’s a Spotify link to that playlist: Koselig Counselling Vibbessss

Listen to it from start to finish without shuffling so you can experience the build up from slow and melancholic to an ending that is bursting with energy and a triumphant feeling. Kinda like how sessions go sometimes, ça va? :) It’s serving resilience.

Written by Melissa Campos


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