Mental Health + the Earth

Date: Tues April 23, 2024

Hi there!

During the week of April 14-April 22, 2024 a challenge called the #GreenOkanagan was put on by the following stores: Okanagan Lifestyle, Chickpeace Zero Waste Refillery, and the ReFill Kelowna. This challenge was put together to try and encourage folks to do a variety of environmentally-friendly actions throughout the week.

As soon as I heard the words “environmental-friendly'“ and “challenge” I was hooked! It was so fun working my way through the challenges and you can see how that enthusiasm led to an almost-fully completed card.

You’ll notice one of the prompts was to “share a fact on protecting Earth” so I put together a few videos to talk about why it’s important to protect the Earth from a mental health perspective.

Check out the series below to learn about the definitions of terms like “eco-anxiety” and how our environment can shape our mental wellbeing. There are five videos and each video is less than a minute long which means you can enhance your ‘psychoterratic’ knowledge in less time than it takes to make a coffee! And if you can make a cup of coffee in less than 5 minutes, then lucky you that you get to sip on something delicious while listening to this series. ;)

And if you’re curious how I did on the bingo challenge: I WON!!!! I think this is good karma for loving the earth and it loving me right back :D

Written by Melissa Campos


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